We've had a whirlwind of activity lately, and within that whirlwind, my little buddy turned 5. I know you'll find this surprising (not!), but I really can hardly believe that. It feels like Nolan just turned 5, and now here's Max, ready to start school in the fall.
We've spent nearly every Fourth of July in Chicago with Dave's parents, and so Max's birthday falls right in with the celebration. The only year we didn't make it on the Fourth itself was the year Max was born. I remember what I had for lunch that day (California Pizza Kitchen!), I remember working a full day and then going to get an ultrasound after work. I remember Dave and I adding up the millimeters of pockets of amnio fluid as the tech did the ultrasound and remarking to each other that the doctor said I needed at least 11, but those pockets only added up to 8. I remember waiting, waiting, waiting for the tech to call the doctor and come back to us, and letting us know that we were heading to the hospital. Funny thing is, I don't remember a whole lot from there! I know Dave's parents came at some point and took the bigs down to their house. I know I had Max at 11:50 pm, while people remarked I should wait until midnight to have him on July 4 (natural birth... no way I'd wait for anything!), but then being happy that he'd always have off the day after his birthday. And I know the doctor ordered me (and all the nurses) food earlier because she knew I'd be hungry and the cafeteria would be closed. I love my doctor! And, while we didn't make the Fourth of July, we did drive down on the Fifth of July, two-day old Max in tow.
This year was a little crazy for his birthday. He wasn't awake when Dave and I left for work, so we let him open his presents and have cake while we weren't there. When we got home from work, we immediately left to head down to Chicago, stopping at Applebee's on the way. Max got a sundae and everyone sung happy birthday, which was nice. We got to Chicago late, all the kids hopped in the pool, and that was pretty much his day! The next day, on the Fourth, he got to open his presents from Dave's parents and sister, then played in the pool all day. At night was fireworks, and after the fireworks, Max turned to me and said, "This was the best birthday ever!" Wow, I felt a little guilty that to me it seemed a little too low key, but if he enjoyed it, I guess that's what counts!
So, to my blond haired, curly headed, taekwondo practicing, Avenger watching, crazy kid... I hope this year is your best year ever!
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