I have been planning Dave's fortieth birthday for a little while now. Actually, over a year and a half ago, I knew where I wanted to have it. We went to a restaurant called Il Mito for my last boss when she went away, and loved the experience. Basically, they have a "Chef's Counter Private Dinner" where Chef Fekker, the head chef at the restaurant, cooks your meal right in front of you and explains the whole thing. About two months, I remembered that and didn't believe they would have availability on a random Saturday night, especially the Saturday Dave's birthday was on. But sure enough! It was indeed available.
The first contact was to our great friends in Baltimore, Brian and Tammy. I really wanted it to be on March 24, the actual Saturday Dave's birthday was on, but would have gone for any weekend in March to have them there. But all was well... the 24th was a go for them too.
I had Brian call Dave and ask if they could come for a weekend, and that that weekend worked well for them if it worked for us. Dave "planned" it with them, and was excited they'd be here to celebrate with him. But that's also when the trouble started. I kept pushing Dave that we should go out. His fortieth! Great friends! A nanny to watch their kids and ours! I proceeded to act like there was no other choice. As it got closer, he really wanted to cook out and stay home, but would concede to going out somewhere close to home.
After some super secret planning, and telling no children except Abby (and even that was only two days in advance!), everything was set. I kept begging Dave to just let me plan the evening, and he kept begging me to go somewhere close. He did NOT want to go to Wauwatosa, which is where the restaurant was.
Brian and Tammy came in as planned on Saturday (more about the rest of their trip in a separate blog update!), and we started talking about dinner. Dave kept asking where we were going, and I finally told him to Wauwatosa, and specifically to Il Mito. Dave was LIVID to say the least. He said the experience of that restaurant was great, but the food was only ok (liar!). It was SO FAR (it was 31 minutes). He kept iterating that it was HIS birthday, and even went so far as to call other restaurants to see if they had reservations. I got glares in between conversation, and the cold shoulder. He told Alina when she came, "Just forewarning, this will NOT blow over by Monday." Really not a happy camper, and I just kept thinking how clueless he was! I have never, ever, insisted on choosing our restaurant. I would have knows something was immediately amiss, but not Dave!
We walked into the restaurant, and checked in. They "went to check on our table" and then brought us back to the room and everyone yelled, "Surprise!" I thought Dave was going to fall to the floor. He was so speechless, and embarassed, and overwhelmed. I was vindicated! And so happy that he was happy. We had the most amazing time, with really great friends. Unfortunately, Dave's sister and her husband couldn't make it, but his parents were there, our neighbors, friends from Illinois, of course our Baltimore friends. Simply amazing...
Tell us, Chef Fekker, why do you use black pepper over white pepper?
And what kind of nuts do you like to best cook with?
How exactly do you roast your garlic? (Don't worry, tell all your secrets. There was enough wine flowing that no one will remember!)
An opera singer. You'd never believe it, but he was AMAZING!
Happy Birthday, sweetheart.
Our Dominican neighbors!
40 years ago today, there was a little boy born...
15 years of friendship!
Amazing friends
Rocky getting some tips from the Chef.
Brian and Tammy, who made the entire weekend such a great time.
Just don't ask me to cook!!
That is some hat! All the gifts were amazing... the hat, a Tommy Bahama shirt, cigars, scotch, scotch glasses. Just great!
Course one (thanks for the photos, Nicole!).
The Osso Buco
And last but not least, the chocolate lava cake.
It was truly a memorable night, that carried over into the next day. Lots of neighbors outside, and everyone from the night before came over to hang out on Sunday. It was a perfect opportunity to do some more catching up and hanging out... and drinking. I think we all need a little detox!
Here's to Dave's next 40 years!
Happy Birthday, Dave! I'm so glad the party was success and you guys had a good time.
What a wonderful night! The food was amazing and the company was even better. Happy, happy birthday again Dave!
Love, Nicole
This looks like an amazing night!!!!
Happy Birthday Dave and Congratulations Jill for pulling it off!
I am glad Dave was humbled. :)
Happy Birthday!!!
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