Saturday, April 16, 2011

Run run run

Awhile back, I signed Abby and myself up for a fun 5K at the Y for today. I had hoped the weather would be nice, we'd have some fun outside, and get some exercise in. And then this morning dawned, rainy and cold, and I regretted signing up, but decided we should go anyway. I kept telling Abby the goal was to jog the whole thing, regardless of how slow. I thought we'd run some, walk some, but was pleasantly surprised that, when I allowed Abby to set the pace for the whole thing, we jogged the entire way, all 3.1 miles! I think the longest Abby had ever run before that was 1 mile, so that was pretty good. I was very proud of her and, more importantly, she was so proud of herself.

It won't be long before I'll have to set the pace because I won't be able to keep up with her!

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