You know Max...
This is his girlfriend Rayva.
She lives across the street from us. We're not sure who the crazy one is. Together they're a riot. When they're not destroying everything in sight. Oh, I'll give them some credit. It's been at least a week since they destroyed anything. That I know about.
And you know Ava. Do you like her baby?
Apparently, her baby had to pee. At least someone uses the potty.
Have I told you we got new carpet? We did. But not before letting the kids have at it. Here's Abigail and Kyan playing hangman.
Everyone had plenty of drawing room.
Poor Kyle just couldn't bring himself to do it. He stuck to the white board.
Here's Nolan with his fish. Whale? Shark?
And finally, the littles. Max is teaching Ava everything he knows. Oh my!
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