Abby just finished the first part of her surgery--the bone biopsy. Dr. Lyon came out to talk to me and put me in a consult room. I know it's common, but I don't like it. Fortunately, everything went relatively well. They got into the bone and it was full of puss and draining. (Ewww.) He said she got the small version because it was all contained in her bone and wasn't in her muscle or tissue, so that's good. However, it doesn't rule out having to go back in if it isn't clearing up and doing the big version.
From the biopsy in the OR he's pretty sure (he said 99%) that it's just infection and nothing big, bad, ugly. However, it has to be plated and looked at further to be sure for the pathology side of things.
He also said that she may get worse before she gets better right now. When you open the infected bone up, the infection can spread, both throughout the bone itself and outside the bone. That's what the strong antibiotics are intended to prevent, but they may take a day or two to work as necessary.
She has another hour to go on the surgery to place the picc line.
We'll probably be here at least until the weekend, possibly early next week. She's not gonna like to hear that!
I just left you a message. call me when your phone is charged.
I'm thinking about you all and will keep Abby (and you!) in my prayers. I will hope for a speedy recovery. (((HUGS)))
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