Ava is just too funny lately. Even now, as she's under the weather and STILL getting four teeth in, she cracks us up. Her latest thing is books. She picks one up, finds whoever is close and walks to them, then turns around and backs up until whoever is there picks her up and reads to her. Book after book after book. Abby used to do the exact same thing, and I'd forgotten until Ava started doing it too. I always wondered why Abby was such a reader and Nolan and Max really aren't. Did we just not have as much time to read to the boys? But now, seeing Ava, makes me think some of it is inherent in their personalities. Books must just hold that special something to some people. (I love them, can't put them down. Dave will read them, but will take him awhile.)
Other than that, Ava really just cracks us all up. She LOVES an audience, and if the kids are laughing at her, she just keeps going. Tonight we were at a play place and she would hide, then peak around the corner. They'd laugh, then she'd laugh, then she'd run somewhere else and do it all over again. The kids never stopped laughing, and she just kept going. It's amazing how much personality she has. Usually it's a good thing... But, she wants what she wants. If you have to leave somewhere she wants to be, she's pretty good at throwing a fit. Same thing if you have to take a toy away, or she wants something Max has. And jealous! The baby girl does not like to be put down if Max is being held. She wants the attention. And I can't believe I still call her baby girl, but I do. I wonder if she'll ever grow out of being my baby girl? Abby's always been my Little Lady. Opposite sides of the birth order, I guess!
Anyway, here are some pictures from our trip to the Elegant Farmer pumpkin patch on Sunday. Note to self: If it's going to be 85 degrees outside, do NOT go to the pumpkin farm, no matter how far into October it is. It will NOT feel like fall.
1 comment:
great pictures!
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