Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Early is one thing

Max has been struggling with naps lately. It really comes at an unfortunately time, because finally, FINALLY! I feel like I'm getting some energy back after the whole pregnancy deal (yes, six months later). There may be afternoons when I could put him down for a nap, feed Ava, actually get up and put her down in her crib instead of falling asleep with her in the chair, and get something, anything, done. But no. Now Max is up. Sometimes if I'm lucky, he'll fall asleep in the car, and I can quietly get him on the couch and get another hour. Or on a rare day, he'll fall asleep watching a little bit of TV. But where I used to be able to say, "OK, nap time!" and up he would go and actually sleep, now he fights it. If I do get him up to his room, he plays up there and doesn't go to sleep. I wouldn't really mind that, but around 2:00 or 2:30, he actually does fall asleep. And then at 3:10 I need to wake him up to go get Abby and Nolan and he screams bloody murder.

OR... He doesn't fall asleep. And then by 5:00 he is a beast. It makes dinner hard, and in general he's crabby and doesn't want the kids to do anything near him, or even in his vision. Around 6:00 I'd be fine with putting him to bed, but by then he gets his second wind and is running all over the house. Truthfully? I just don't have the energy.

But today takes the cake. Today, he took a 10 minute nap in the car around noon. Then he fell asleep in a chair at 4:30. By 6:15, when I still couldn't wake him up, I put him to bed. Now, it's 10 PM and he's still sleeping. My hope is of course for all night. Either that, or I've just completely screwed up his sleep schedule, quite possibly for the rest of his life!


Aaron Thomae said...

I really enjoy reading your blog, please read mine and let me know what you think!

Keep up the good work!

Stacy said...

Soooo...did he sleep through the night? Inquiring minds want to know!

Jack loves his sleep and when you put him in the crib he snuggles into his bed. He rarely gives us trouble going to bed at night or nap.

Now ... his sister Meghan is a different story. We are having the SAME problem as you with her. She plays and sits and talks in her crib and then will fall asleep at like 2:30 and we want them up by 3ish. If she skips a nap she is a bear come 5 pm - you know, when we get home from work. It's lovely. So CLEARLY she is not ready to give it up. Oh - and when she gets really bored she YELLS - "Wake up Jack!" AHHHHH!!!! He is not a happy camper when you wake him up.

We keep talking about taking the sides of the cribs off or putting them in beds. Jack could totally do it because he values sleep. Meghan is the problem. Not only would she get up, but she will cause havok with Jack. So I'm holding onto the cribs because of her. They haven't figured out how to get out YET!

Let me know if you figure any of this out.

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