Thursday, December 17, 2009

In shock

There's a guy I work with who, just last month, was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer. He's my age, has three little girls younger than my kids, has run nine marathons. After getting a biopsy and an initial diagnosis, he was able to go home last week to wait for treatment to start. He went and got a Christmas tree with his family, attended his daughters' Christmas concert, and hung out. Just this week he got a new scan and the tumor grew again and he was hospitalized, and now in the ICU. The growth of the tumor has caused irreversible brain damage, and he's on a vent. I'm truly in shock.

If you want to visit his page:


Anonymous said...

It's a reminder to cherish each day -- even the tough ones -- don't you think? A friend of mine from high school (she's 35) just started treatment for breast cancer. She just had her first baby and thought issues were because she was breast feeding -- so it went untreated for a long time. It's so sad because I think we're young (!) and makes me especially grateful for my health. I'll pray for your friend.

Love, Nicole

Anonymous said...

I understand he passed early this morning Jill ~ thru a friend of a friend... How tragic. Grab all those G's extra tight tonight and give them a hug! ~ Jenny T.

Jennifer Fink said...

ohmygod. Prayers for his family.

Stacy said...

This is so heartbreaking. I am so saddened for him and his family. I follow my friend's cousin's blog (who I have met before) - he was diagnosed with leukemia in 2007 and has 3 children between 3-7 (?) and he passed away this weekend. He is our age and it breaks my heart. Two young men with so much ahead of them. So sad.

Praying for both these families and hope for peace in the future.


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