So anyway, back to poor Nolan. He didn't really get mom time when he was sick. With Max and Ava still home, and not sick, there was too much to do--mostly chasing after Max! And then on Wednesday, it was just Nolan and I home (littles were at daycare since I was supposed to be at work), but I had to get actual work done so my time on the couch was very limited. Unlike today, where Ava slept all morning and most of the afternoon so I just hung out on the couch with Max, I maybe did 10 minutes here or there with Nolan. Poor kid was bored out of his mind by the end of the second day home, too, but he did good just sitting on the couch and relaxing. It was really quite amazing watching him sick, though. He's a big kid, and a little kid. He's BIG--long legs, arms, feet, but yet still so little, especially when he's sick. It's a crazy time of growing up, and I don't really remember it as distinctly with Abby. Maybe it's a boy thing.
Luckily, before the kids got sick, my mom and dad babysat for us and we headed to a Packer game yesterday. FUN! Well, fun for me. :) And they won, so even better. And it was 57 degrees (instead of the 5 degrees it was when my mom and I went three years ago!) so even better yet! It's amazing to me to watch a pro football game. It truly shows me how larger than life tv makes things. Even in that big stadium, those big men are just boys playing a game. Without the instant replay, stats at every turn and announcer analysis, it's just people throwing a football. And fun to watch.
Other than that, not much, but lots of everything going on here. Huh? It's just the regular work, school and busy time of year. Thanksgiving, then Christmas parties, the Abby's first reconciliation, then Christmas, Christmas and more Christmas! Now until the end of the year will go very fast. And then the slow, slow winter. January, February, March... can't say I'm looking forward to it. When is spring??
Anyway, here are some pics for your viewing pleasure...
Go Pack Go! Rodgers was nearly as fun to watch as Favre was last time.

This was the concession bin... only in Wisconsin is it "Beer here! Get your meat stick!"

The Big G. Lambeau is just a cool place to be. It was made even better this time because the UW Marching Band played. They're always fun to watch, and throughout the game the randomly appeared in the stands to play On Wisconsin.

What a difference three months makes! It was easier for all the kids to hold her back in the hospital!

Max loves to share his toys with Ava and then wants me to take pics. Here's Ava with his frog and "Nayva" (short for Mine Ava).
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