Monday, June 29, 2009

Face of the Earth? Where are you?

Ok, I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Busy? I guess. Lacking in energy? Definitely. If nothing else, this baby has proven to me that, well, I don't need to be pregnant anymore. Nothing bad going on, just tired. I was ok before the hot, hot weather, but that did me in. And now that the cooler weather is here? Well, I'd still rather just sit on the couch and do nothing. I mean, getting up just takes so much work! And going upstairs? Forget it! I do whatever I can to avoid the steps unless I'm going to bed. The poor kids. They want to sit on my lap, want me to carry them, play with them, go upstairs and get stuff. I dont' want anyone hanging on me, sitting on me, and I certainly don't want to, well, get off the couch. I try, but I'm not always successful. Oh well. After baby, right? The energy will come back and life will go back to normal. Right? Please tell me yes.

Anyway, I have to capture the story of Father's Day last weekend. Dave was gone Friday night to early Sunday morning to meet a friend in Cincinnati to watch the White Sox play. It was perfect for him, and the kids and I had a good time. Saturday last week was absolutely beautiful... if you can remember back to a time before it was HOT out, and it was just perfectly warm, perfectly summer. And so, we got out the waterslide for the kids, and they LOVED it! And we (the neighbors and I) loved watching them...

I'm not exactly sure why Max had handcuffs on at one time, but it's kind of fitting, don't you think?

Abby and Max chillin' in the sun!

Ok, so then on Sunday, we decided to head to the boat. The kids got a new intertube that they'd been dying to try out. After figuring out exactly how to get it to the boat (the thing is HUGE!) and getting it out on the lake, the kiddos hopped in. First, Dave gave them instructions. Thumbs up if you want to go faster!

Then, the kids hopped in the raft...
We let them out a little further before starting up the boat...

I said, BEFORE starting up the boat? Hello? Boat? Something with the battery. Ok, let's get the kids in. Kids? Hello? Kids?!? Arrrggghhh! The rope came undone and the kids were floating off. Now what? Dave had to figure out how to get the boat started, or how to get it towed. That left... ME! To dive in the water, clothes on, 8 months pregnant. Yeah, that was fun! The kids drifted toward the shore, and there were people there that helped me get them. Meanwhile, Dave figured out why the boat hadn't started, got it going, and came over and got us. And to think I hadn't even planned on getting wet at all! Since we got everything all hooked back up, I got back into the boat and the kids loved, loved, loved the tubing. They went over bumps, in and out of the wake, and they kept saying thumbs up (go faster!!). They just couldn't get enough!
And, since I was already soaking wet, I got out there with Max. It was short-lived, though. We didn't want to go too fast, and the front kept going underwater. (It had NOTHING to do with the size of my belly!!) But we had fun out there anyway.

Can't you tell Max is having fun here?

It was a crazy, but a very fun, day. Then, last Wednesday after work, Dave took the kids back to the boat. It sure is nice having it docked where we can just use it any day. I got my haircut, they went to the boat. Sure sounded like a good deal to me!

And that's it! Other than summer school, zoo class, mom and dad moving, me working a bit, Dave traveling, tball, softball and general summer, we got nothing going on. :) I'm just happy for all the nice weather to enjoy!

1 comment:

Jennifer Fink said...

But I wanted to see a picture of 8-mon.-preg you swimming out to save your kids! :)

You, Jill, sound like a very pregnant Mommy who's about to be done. Whatcha doing next Fri?

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