Monday, June 29, 2009

Face of the Earth? Where are you?

Ok, I seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Busy? I guess. Lacking in energy? Definitely. If nothing else, this baby has proven to me that, well, I don't need to be pregnant anymore. Nothing bad going on, just tired. I was ok before the hot, hot weather, but that did me in. And now that the cooler weather is here? Well, I'd still rather just sit on the couch and do nothing. I mean, getting up just takes so much work! And going upstairs? Forget it! I do whatever I can to avoid the steps unless I'm going to bed. The poor kids. They want to sit on my lap, want me to carry them, play with them, go upstairs and get stuff. I dont' want anyone hanging on me, sitting on me, and I certainly don't want to, well, get off the couch. I try, but I'm not always successful. Oh well. After baby, right? The energy will come back and life will go back to normal. Right? Please tell me yes.

Anyway, I have to capture the story of Father's Day last weekend. Dave was gone Friday night to early Sunday morning to meet a friend in Cincinnati to watch the White Sox play. It was perfect for him, and the kids and I had a good time. Saturday last week was absolutely beautiful... if you can remember back to a time before it was HOT out, and it was just perfectly warm, perfectly summer. And so, we got out the waterslide for the kids, and they LOVED it! And we (the neighbors and I) loved watching them...

I'm not exactly sure why Max had handcuffs on at one time, but it's kind of fitting, don't you think?

Abby and Max chillin' in the sun!

Ok, so then on Sunday, we decided to head to the boat. The kids got a new intertube that they'd been dying to try out. After figuring out exactly how to get it to the boat (the thing is HUGE!) and getting it out on the lake, the kiddos hopped in. First, Dave gave them instructions. Thumbs up if you want to go faster!

Then, the kids hopped in the raft...
We let them out a little further before starting up the boat...

I said, BEFORE starting up the boat? Hello? Boat? Something with the battery. Ok, let's get the kids in. Kids? Hello? Kids?!? Arrrggghhh! The rope came undone and the kids were floating off. Now what? Dave had to figure out how to get the boat started, or how to get it towed. That left... ME! To dive in the water, clothes on, 8 months pregnant. Yeah, that was fun! The kids drifted toward the shore, and there were people there that helped me get them. Meanwhile, Dave figured out why the boat hadn't started, got it going, and came over and got us. And to think I hadn't even planned on getting wet at all! Since we got everything all hooked back up, I got back into the boat and the kids loved, loved, loved the tubing. They went over bumps, in and out of the wake, and they kept saying thumbs up (go faster!!). They just couldn't get enough!
And, since I was already soaking wet, I got out there with Max. It was short-lived, though. We didn't want to go too fast, and the front kept going underwater. (It had NOTHING to do with the size of my belly!!) But we had fun out there anyway.

Can't you tell Max is having fun here?

It was a crazy, but a very fun, day. Then, last Wednesday after work, Dave took the kids back to the boat. It sure is nice having it docked where we can just use it any day. I got my haircut, they went to the boat. Sure sounded like a good deal to me!

And that's it! Other than summer school, zoo class, mom and dad moving, me working a bit, Dave traveling, tball, softball and general summer, we got nothing going on. :) I'm just happy for all the nice weather to enjoy!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the great fathers out there, my dad and my husband at the top of the list! We had a great Father's Day, and a great weekend. Stories to come, but now? It's 8:51 and it feels like midnight. Stories will have to wait. I'm going to bed! :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

It's gonna be a long summer

I've actually had several titles going in my head, and it keeps changing, but I think the one I chose acurately sums it up. I've been so looking forward to Abby being done with school but now that it's here? I can tell it will take some adjusting.

Friday, first day off, Abby was bored. There's nothing to do. Oh my. Then people I didn't know started showing up at my house and playing on our jungle gym while the kids were outside. I asked name and ages (a boy and a girl), and they were both 5. Five? Isn't that a little young for you to be here, where your mom and dad have no idea who I am, or where you are? From now on I'm sending anyone I don't know home with my phone number. Mom or dad will have to call first. Anyway, Abby was then outside with Abigail across the street. I put the sprinklers on to water the plants and told them explicitly not to get wet. They weren't on very high, and I didn't want Max wet before his nap. Well, wouldn't you know it, twenty minutes later, I look outside and Abby, Abigail and Nolan's hair is all wet. I called Abby and Nolan in to ask them about it. Apparently, Abby either forgot that I told her she couldn't get wet, or she was just sitting near it and it just happened to get bigger. Hmmm, well, since I said they couldn't get wet and they did, I told them I was going to let them get wet in the afternoon, but now I wasn't going to. You would have thought I took away Christmas! She screamed and cried and begged, and I said no. This went on for at least 30 minutes, with her not even able to play with Abigail or get herself together. I called them in for lunch, told her it wasn't about the water but it was about trust, and if she can't listen to what I say, I can't trust her back there with her friends. She told me she was sorry, and I said I know, and she asked if they could go in the water. Answer still no. We talked about it some more, she asked more if she could go in the water, I said I'd have to think about it, and had them go outside. When I came out, they were super nice, did any favor I asked, and then asked to go in the water. Still thinking! The next time they asked, I finally gave in (Max was already down for his nap, it was getting chillier outside, and I had to leave for a doctor's appointment, so it would at least keep them busy!). Abby was ecstatic. Thank you mommy! I'm sorry mommy! This time, instead of saying I know, I said I forgive you. And you know what? I don't know about her, but I sure felt better. Forgiveness is a powerful thing both for the forgivee and the forgiver!

I wish I could go on to say that since then it's been ideal. But, she still presents with some attitude quite often. It's a fine line between letting her express her independence and her showing some respect!

Anyway, Friday we went down to Chicago. We hoped for warm weather, but Saturday was less than stellar. Instead of swimming in the pool, we took the kids to see Up! It was Max's first movie, and, while I don't need to take him again anytime soon, he did a good job. Better than I would have guessed. Luckily, when we got back, it was a little warmer. The kids and Dave went in the pool. I watched. They're crazy.

Sunday Dave and I left the kids and headed to the Brewer game vs the White Sox. Dave had the suite, which is always nice, and I didn't have to worry about the kids since they weren't there! Very fun... and then we had Sunday night without the kids, too. We were lost and didn't know what to do! Dave went back down to meet his parents and got them on Monday. I met my mom and went house hunting, which was very fun and I was glad I got to go. After that was swimming lessons... first one. Abby and Nolan did great. Max? Not so much. I was glad he didn't run out of the pool, but he really wouldn't listen to the teacher. It took Nolan three lessons the first time to not scream, so I'm actually quite happy with that.

That's about it! Today Max was in rare form. I think everyone's catching a cold, at least the boys, and it's making them crabby and whiny. Which, of course, makes me crabby and whiny! But, hopefully it will pass, the weather will warm, and the summer in all its glory will be underway in style.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Miscellaneous stuff

In pregnancy news... no news is good news! I feel like I grew again overnight, and I believe that kidney stones have come back (lower back pain, blood in urine, you know, the normal), but other than that I can't complain. I have an ultrasound at 36 weeks (July 16) to see how the amniotic fluid is doing. Low fluid is why I was induced early with Abby and Max... we'll see if this one is the same or if she'll go full term.

Names list... Ava, Paige, Holly, Lauren. We go through several others every day (Nora? Gretchen?), so far to no avail. Dave is picky! Any other suggestions, let me know!

Soccer is done, but there's been a lot of tball and softball lately. But, it has been better, less crazy. Once school is done, it will really be easier--no mad dash for dinner, homework, everything else. I keep forgetting my camera but we still have a month to go. I'll post pictures eventually! Nolan's games are so fun to watch. The little boys have such a good time and really play the game for fun. Abby's games are a little too serious for me. Some of them have been playing for so long and get so mad when the littler ones, or the less experienced ones, can't make plays. But, she does a good job and is certainly learning a lot. And she says she likes it, so I guess that's the important part!

Not that anyone cares, but in the summer, I'm switching my day in the office to Wednesday. There's more people available so it works better. But, during my last meeting with my boss, I realized she forgot I was pregnant. Oops! I'm not sure how it will work. Maybe I'll just bring baby in with me? I don't know yet.

And now onto some pictures... It's a good thing that other people bring cameras because I've been really bad with mine lately. Where I was taking a million at everything we do (you're probably so sick of the zoo by now!) now I never have it. Luckily, Laura and Jenny next door sent me some of theirs, so I can still post some! :)

At the end of May, Nolan had his preschool picnic. It was a gorgeous day out and we went to a park. Here he is with his two teachers, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Gilbert. He really loved having them as teachers, and I feel lucky that he had them too. I think it will make his willingness to go to kindergarten that much better. Plus the fact that I believe he'll have Mrs. Bicknell in kindergarten, who was Abby's teacher, too.

Last week, Laura and I took the kids over to Port Washington, which is right on the lake, to go to a place called Possibilities Playground. It's a little bit of a drive (35+ minutes) for a park, and neither of us had ever been there, so we were hoping it was good. Turns out, it was! The park is very big. It's all accessible, and has really cool things that other parks just don't have. There's one of the decks that actually moves back and forth! Max could have spent all day on that. After that we walked by the lake on the beautiful day, saw fish, cool boats, ate outside and all the kids were exhausted on the way home. Good day!

Nolan "surfing" at the playground.

David and Nolan on the... turtle?

They even had rings the size of Max! Little Monkey!

Max in the elephant.

Walking along Lake Michigan.

I tried to take pictures with my camera, but some didn't work so well. While we were eating, there was a boat with a Pirates of the Carribbean theme docked. The kids thought it was pretty cool, and the lady let them come on board and look around. They were amazed that they sleep down there! Pirate Days was going on, or going to be starting, and the boat owners were all for that. They have an entire photo album of them dressing up as pirates. It was a little strange if you ask me, but more power to 'em!

Last weekend, there was a 5k in West Bend. Jenny and I walked it last year, so this year we decided to make it a tradition. Last year, Abby ran in the kids race, which, for 6 and under, is 1/4 mile. Last year she was the first girl, and this year she came in first! Cody next door was second, and Nolan came in the middle somewhere. The real worry was whether Nolan would cry when Abby and Cody ran ahead of him, but he didn't! He was proud just to finish. They all got medals, too, which they thought was very cool.

Last night, the kids thought it would be fun to throw stuffed animals in the fan and watch them get thrown about. Usually I stop it, but Dave turned the fan on higher. And then got a roll of toilet paper. We had our very own streamers in the porch!

She's looking much better, but this is what Abby's eye looked like last week. She had a stye, which is a little like a pimple in your eyelid. Anyway, at school it popped and (Nicole, don't read this part) she had blood from her eye running down her cheek. Yuck! But, once it popped, it got better and now you can barely notice.

And other miscellaneous pictures...

All the kids watching a movie at "Rocky's Cool Movie Theater" next door

Rocky and the "babies"
And Dave and the "babies"

Nolan eating a smore. Yum! We've done quite a few campfires this year already. And see the camper in the back? The kids were sleeping out in it that night. Well, Abby made it, Nolan had a meltdown. But, because Abby was outside, we left the front door open in case she needed to come in. Instead, when Max woke up before 6 the next morning, he decided to go sit in the driveway. When Dave came out to get him, he just waved like good morning, daddy! Crazy kid. We keep all the doors locked now!

These pics are examples of what happens when too much alchohol is consumed. See the tree on the right? And the person up too far in it? Yeah, that's my husband. I'm so proud.

Close up. I thought for sure he would fall out. Luckily, it was just some scrapes, which he deserved!

It's like a Where's Waldo picture...

And finally, all the kids hanging out. Where will we put one more???
Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's not that they're growing up, it's HOW they're growing up

Last summer, Nolan's shoes were always on the wrong foot. I mean, always. Jenny next door and I used to laugh and just tell him, however you're going to put them on, just put them on the other way. Then last night, I watched him put on his shoes, on the right foot. Without even thinking about it. I was shocked--when did that happen? I know, his shoes on the right foot. No big deal. But I just looked and shook my head. It's really the little things.

The little things, unless you're Abby. Her way of showing me isn't quite as cute as shoes on the right foot. Instead, she's developing an attitude! In a big way. And it drives... me... CRAZY! She pushes buttons I never even knew I had. The other morning she had a softball game and it was cold. She got dressed, but I told her she might want to put on a long sleeve shirt under her jersey or she might get cold. "But Maa-ummmm," she said, "I just put this shirt on." Well, Abby, then be cold. I don't care, just trying to help. "Wellll, you could have told me sooner." Well, Abby, I just thought of it. Freeze. See if I care! (But I will, when she's complaining she's cold, of course!) But she is learning something of attitude at least. She needed to pick 5 of the 10 girls on her softball team to represent them in the all-star game. She's the youngest of all 10, on a team with 6-9 year olds on it. A big span if you ask me. When she filled out the all-star ballot, she didn't pick the girls I thought she would. When Dave and I asked her about it, she said the coach told them not to just think about the best players, but those that exhibit the best attitude, most improved, best hustle, etc. And the top girl, the coach's daughter, talks back to her dad all the time. Abby said she doesn't have a good attitude so she didn't vote for her. Good for you! At least something might be wearing off. Either that or she's heard me lament to Dave a hundred times over how I wish the coaches would stress more attitude and hustle than game mechanics. I choose to believe it's the former.

And then there's Max. Officially in the big kid bed now, he is big every day. On Saturday Dave was pitching to him and he hit a liner right back to him. The other kids never picked up a bat till they were at least 4. He's not even two! And he's pretending to be a baby all the time too. He picks up a blanket and comes and asks for uppies. It's cute, but it makes me believe that he knows his world will go topsy turvy very soon! Although, the other night I was holding a baby, and he really didn't seem to mind. He kind of ignored me, but he didn't insist I put it down or cry about it. Hopefully things will stay that way!

Four more days of school! Yeah! Another time passage... Abby's second summer vacation, Nolan's last summer before school. I plan to enjoy it with them as much as I can!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Soccer is OVER!

So, I hate to sound too overjoyed that soccer is over, but I am overjoyed that one of our things we need to run around to every week is done. Abby was actually done a few weeks ago--I pulled her out because her softball practices were at the exact same time as soccer practice. Nolan was ready to be done a few weeks ago--he informed me several times that he just likes tball and not soccer. I guess we don't need to sign them up again next year!

Although Abby was done awhile back, the coach asked her to play in a U7 tournament, which is one level up from what she was playing. It was kind of funny because she knew all the kids because they were in her class. She played on the younger team because of her young age, but she definitely could have played in the older division. It's mostly the same, except they throw in the ball in the U7s and the coaches can't be on the field showing them where to be. Abby was a little overwhelmed at first, I think, and forgot to just go after the ball! She did a lot of her nervous gesture... putting her hair behind her ears.

Here's a few pics from the game... she got in there a few times!

They even let her be team captain. Here she is calling the toss.

Nolan's last game was last week Thursday. Here he is with neighbor Cody.

The whole team listening to the coach.

Abby ready for softball, Nolan ready for soccer, and Max just wanting to be one of the big kids! (The pics are a little out of order!)

Nolan getting his medal.

Action shot... a little out of focus! Oops! I have others even more out of focus!
Soccer was fun, but I just don't think it was our sport. For the kids, it was a good first team sport. I was happy to see them listening and learning and cheering on their teams. And now, two more months of tball and softball!