In pregnancy news... no news is good news! I feel like I grew again overnight, and I believe that kidney stones have come back (lower back pain, blood in urine, you know, the normal), but other than that I can't complain. I have an ultrasound at 36 weeks (July 16) to see how the amniotic fluid is doing. Low fluid is why I was induced early with Abby and Max... we'll see if this one is the same or if she'll go full term.
Names list... Ava, Paige, Holly, Lauren. We go through several others every day (Nora? Gretchen?), so far to no avail. Dave is picky! Any other suggestions, let me know!
Soccer is done, but there's been a lot of tball and softball lately. But, it has been better, less crazy. Once school is done, it will really be easier--no mad dash for dinner, homework, everything else. I keep forgetting my camera but we still have a month to go. I'll post pictures eventually! Nolan's games are so fun to watch. The little boys have such a good time and really play the game for fun. Abby's games are a little too serious for me. Some of them have been playing for so long and get so mad when the littler ones, or the less experienced ones, can't make plays. But, she does a good job and is certainly learning a lot. And she says she likes it, so I guess that's the important part!
Not that anyone cares, but in the summer, I'm switching my day in the office to Wednesday. There's more people available so it works better. But, during my last meeting with my boss, I realized she forgot I was pregnant. Oops! I'm not sure how it will work. Maybe I'll just bring baby in with me? I don't know yet.
And now onto some pictures... It's a good thing that other people bring cameras because I've been really bad with mine lately. Where I was taking a million at everything we do (you're probably so sick of the zoo by now!) now I never have it. Luckily, Laura and Jenny next door sent me some of theirs, so I can still post some! :)
At the end of May, Nolan had his preschool picnic. It was a gorgeous day out and we went to a park. Here he is with his two teachers, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Gilbert. He really loved having them as teachers, and I feel lucky that he had them too. I think it will make his willingness to go to kindergarten that much better. Plus the fact that I believe he'll have Mrs. Bicknell in kindergarten, who was Abby's teacher, too.

Last week, Laura and I took the kids over to Port Washington, which is right on the lake, to go to a place called Possibilities Playground. It's a little bit of a drive (35+ minutes) for a park, and neither of us had ever been there, so we were hoping it was good. Turns out, it was! The park is very big. It's all accessible, and has really cool things that other parks just don't have. There's one of the decks that actually moves back and forth! Max could have spent all day on that. After that we walked by the lake on the beautiful day, saw fish, cool boats, ate outside and all the kids were exhausted on the way home. Good day!
Nolan "surfing" at the playground.

David and Nolan on the... turtle?
They even had rings the size of Max! Little Monkey!
Max in the elephant.

Walking along Lake Michigan.

I tried to take pictures with my camera, but some didn't work so well. While we were eating, there was a boat with a Pirates of the Carribbean theme docked. The kids thought it was pretty cool, and the lady let them come on board and look around. They were amazed that they sleep down there! Pirate Days was going on, or going to be starting, and the boat owners were all for that. They have an entire photo album of them dressing up as pirates. It was a little strange if you ask me, but more power to 'em!
Last weekend, there was a 5k in West Bend. Jenny and I walked it last year, so this year we decided to make it a tradition. Last year, Abby ran in the kids race, which, for 6 and under, is 1/4 mile. Last year she was the first girl, and this year she came in first! Cody next door was second, and Nolan came in the middle somewhere. The real worry was whether Nolan would cry when Abby and Cody ran ahead of him, but he didn't! He was proud just to finish. They all got medals, too, which they thought was very cool.

Last night, the kids thought it would be fun to throw stuffed animals in the fan and watch them get thrown about. Usually I stop it, but Dave turned the fan on higher. And then got a roll of toilet paper. We had our very own streamers in the porch!

She's looking much better, but this is what Abby's eye looked like last week. She had a stye, which is a little like a pimple in your eyelid. Anyway, at school it popped and (Nicole, don't read this part) she had blood from her eye running down her cheek. Yuck! But, once it popped, it got better and now you can barely notice.

And other miscellaneous pictures...
All the kids watching a movie at "Rocky's Cool Movie Theater" next door
Rocky and the "babies"
And Dave and the "babies"

Nolan eating a smore. Yum! We've done quite a few campfires this year already. And see the camper in the back? The kids were sleeping out in it that night. Well, Abby made it, Nolan had a meltdown. But, because Abby was outside, we left the front door open in case she needed to come in. Instead, when Max woke up before 6 the next morning, he decided to go sit in the driveway. When Dave came out to get him, he just waved like good morning, daddy! Crazy kid. We keep all the doors locked now!

These pics are examples of what happens when too much alchohol is consumed. See the tree on the right? And the person up too far in it? Yeah, that's my husband. I'm so proud.

Close up. I thought for sure he would fall out. Luckily, it was just some scrapes, which he deserved!
It's like a Where's Waldo picture...

And finally, all the kids hanging out. Where will we put one more???