Monday, January 19, 2009
I have a dream!
I wish I could say my dream was a noble one, one about us all walking hand in hand, creating a better future for our children. But no. My dream was, of course, the baby. The baby had just been born, maybe two or three days old (and I think it was a girl!). I was in our office here at home, at the desk, and the tiny bundle was all wrapped up in a blanket and a hat and placed on the floor by the filing cabinet. For some reason I left the room, left the baby on the floor, and then it happened! In came Max... (insert Jaws music here). He ignored the baby, but wanted to see what was in the filing cabinet. So, he opened the bottom drawer, and then the top drawer, and bam! That's when the filing cabinet toppled over. Max got out of the way, but the poor, poor baby. Blood everywhere. I got her into her carseat to take her to the hospital, and then I woke up. YIKES!!!
Oh my; it is good to get that out of your head though!
These concerns are natural, also illustrating that you are a GREAT and LOVING mom!
I think it is going to be a girl too. :)
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