Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I will cry every time

Today was Christmas program day for both Abby and Nolan. Abby's was first thing in the morning after I dropped her off at school, so Max and Nolan and I braved the bitter cold, got second row seats, and watched 80 first-graders file onto the stage to sing songs. Last year I cried and I thought I'd be better this year. Apparently not. I thought I was ready, but as soon as they start singing, BAM! it starts. And not just little "Awww, aren't they cute?" tears, but full out, I could just lay down and weep kind of tears. I wonder how many years, pageants, plays, sporting games and other events that will last? I have an image to protect here!

Anyway, we actually had quite a busy weekend. Well, Nolan, Abby, Max and I did. We met Dave's sister and family in Marshfield at a hotel to celebrate Christmas while Dave stayed home to recover from his pneumonia. The kids were GREAT, and we had a great time. And Dave feels better, too, which is good. I have some great pics, but can't locate my camera cord at the moment, and so those will have to wait. I'll have to share these pics that I got off of Dave's camera instead.

First, our tree. It is such a kid tree, isn't it? We didn't dare put any of the breakable ornaments on there with Max running around, so we went all out, paper chains and everything.

Ok, then, Dave taught the kids to play pool. I think they really started getting the hang of it all!

Wait, who are they? And what is Abby holding?

Oh, don't worry. Just a little Jack Daniels.

Two toughies

Abby's tough, but Nolan? He's got sweetness under all that.

I think Nolan had a few too many here.

And that's it! Hmmm, quite the interesting pics from Dave's camera. Anyway, Thursday night is supposed to bring another snow dump on us. They moved Abby's Christmas party up to tomorrow just in case... planning on Friday being the third snow day already this year! Wow! But, it'll be a nice jumpstart to the holidays. After Friday, no more school for anyone until next year! It'll be here quick, but for now, I'm really looking forward to the break.


Anonymous said...

Your kids have a future as pool sharks - got the look down anyway! Oh, and about the crying thing. Yeah, still do it and mine are well past the age of Christmas pagents. Good luck and buy stock in Kleenex...

Stacy said...

Those pictures are priceless! Gotta love when dad is in charge.

Ummm...yeah. We haven't put our tree up yet and we're having Christmas this year. I think we're putting it up this weekend and will take it down on the 26th. I admit it. I'm sooooo scared! I'm afraid Meghan will try and climb it and Jack will think those round ornaments are balls and whip them across the room! LOL! Plus I was afraid if we put it up for too long our nanny would up and quit one day.

Happy, happy, joy, joy! Tis the season!

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