And then there's Nolan. I was driving, my mom was in the passenger seat, Nolan in his seat behind us, Abby in the way back and we just pulled into a parking spot at Applebees and Nolan was talking about the letter he just wrote. He knows most letters, but sometimes has to describe them. Well, it seems he wrote, you know, that letter that looks like a P, except it has a penis. What?? Yup, it's a P with a penis. You mean an R? Yeah that's the one. Um, Nolan, that would be a P with a tail! (But really, tell a kid a p with a tail and you're just asking for trouble.)
Anyway, I haven't posted for awhile so I thought I'd share what we've been up to.
Here's an advent wreath I made with Nolan the other day, trying to decide if my K4/K5 church kids could make this. I determined if I couldn't get the candles to stay straight, they couldn't either. But it was fun when it lasted, and Nolan likes taping on the paper flames we cut out for it, too.

And here's the makings of the millions of feet of paper chains that the kids made to adorn our tree (picture to come!).

Turkey hats...

Aren't we just creative?
It's snowing again tonight, and we're supposed to get 8 inches by morning and there's already a snowman out front. I'm wondering about a snow day on December 1? That would have to be some record. But, it snowed here last Monday, too, and the kids had a ball sledding down the hill. I'm glad Dave was there to catch them!
Even Max really, really seems to enjoy the snow. And it tires him out! :)

Us just goofing around... Clearly I'm their favorite toy!

I'm going to eat what? Max was all about helping Dave with the turkey!

I missed the picture of Nolan digging out the turkey neck this year, but here he is injecting the bird with a big needle. Dave got a new charcoal convection cooker to try instead of deep frying it so he could inject it and give it a rub. (Hey, whatever makes you happy!)

The turkey done. Dave says it looks dry in this picture, but it was really incredible. Just fell off the bone. Yum!

The day was nice because the kids are getting older and are more self-sufficient! They played downstairs most of the day, and when it came to eating, they even had a kids' table. I could get used to this!

And here's the grown-up table.

Gram and the boys watching Polar Express

And Abby (who was happy to have a girl around!) and Erin watching the movie, too. I wonder if Erin wonders what's wrong with Abby--those gigantic front teeth and crazy hair (she's trying to grow her bangs out).

Gram and Grumpy and all six grandkids. Things to be thankful for for sure!

And tradition is that day after Thanksgiving, we haul out the Christmas stuff and get ready! It was really fun with Max this year. Everything was new to him, and he was cute, if I do say so myself!

Are they naughty or nice? They sure look nice, but I'm not sure...

Where's Max?

It's a family event! Check out those paper chains.

Abby putting the star on top.

And then, all relaxed and watched Rudolph!

I wish Abby had three-day school weeks every week! I'm not sure I'll feel that way when both Nolan and Abby are in school, but right now, it's really a lot of fun to have her home. And of course, having gram and grumpy here was fun, and getting together with Jen and family was fun, and all the great holiday stuff we do. Today was a good relaxer day, and at one point, Abby, Nolan, Dave and I were all playing a board game together while Max napped. Ahhh, this is the life! December will pass by quickly with visits, Christmas parties, hotel stays and family Christmas celebrations, and January will probably be quite a long month, but it's just one day at a time around here.
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday!
1 comment:
LOVE Nolan's story! And hey -- at least you taught him proper terminology! ;)
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