When you wait awhile to get pictures off your camera, you just never know what you're going to find! I forgot all about these of the kiddos. When mom was here she was kind enough to bring me two boxes of memorabilia stuff. What do you do with that? Turns out, you let your kids play with it, and then throw 90% of it away! Here's Abby and Nolan in my old practice jerseys from high school basketball. When I wore those jerseys nearly every day, this life that I have now was unfathomable. Three kids and a husband? Really? Well, here we are just 14 years later (just?) and I can barely remember wearing these practice jerseys every day.

Nolan looks like ape boy

And here they are holding up a plaque of some sort!

I'm not sure why I took pictures of the tomatoes, other than the fact that there were tons of them (thanks, Jen!) and they looked nice in my new bowl from mom for my birthday. (A bowl which, I should mention, I gave to her for her birthday a few years ago and have always liked!)

And those nice tomatoes, in contrast to these yucky bananas. Nolan and I made banana bread with these yesterday. After it baked and cooled and Nolan tried it, he asked why such yucky bananas make such good banana bread. Hmmm. Good question!

Max on a three wheel scooter! He can't quite ride it yet, but he can balance on it! Before you know it, he'll be all over the neighborhood. I was thinking the other day, Nolan was only six months older than Max now when we moved into our house. That's very difficult for me to wrap my head around for some reason. But all those time comparisons always are!

And then there's this... this picture represents COMPLETE parental breakdown. Every kid in the neighborhood got a new bike. And Nolan was still on his tiny little one. And I said no, no, no new bike until Christmas or his birthday. Abby's bike kept getting a flat tire, and we had a bigger one that one of our neighbors gave us, so I fixed the bigger (boy) one and tried to let Nolan ride that. Just a little too big. So then Abby could ride that one, and she still had her other one that just needed a new intertube on the tire. Her two to Nolan's one little one. And I felt bad for him because he couldn't keep up. And he didn't even ask for a new bike, he was so good about it. He just kept saying which one he was going to get for his birthday. I couldn't do it anymore... I broke down! And I got him this Hot Wheels bike. The same bike, I might add, that both Cody next door and Kyan across the street have. Thank goodness. I'm sure his sense of self worth just never would have been the same otherwise. (Go ahead, judge me now!!)

And that's the week! Tonight I'm excited to go out with Jenny from Mayville and Sunday is Kyle's first birthday (next door)! Have a great weekend!! (I gotta run... so I'm not going to reread this. I hope there's not too many mistakes or things that don't make sense!)
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