Of course, you can't have Max's birthday without Fourth of July. And here's the kiddos in their matching outfits.
I have no idea what Nolan was doing, but it was on the camera, so I thought I'd post it.
Dave looks a little overdressed for the pool, don't you think?
Max's first birthday represented the first trouble with the pool... he learned to climb the ladders!
Kids wore their do-rags all weekend.
Look at that cake! And Max had the little cupcake all by himself!
The other kids waiting to sing Happy Birthday to You!
Hmmm, Max isn't so sure about the cupcake.
But he got into it eventually!
Back to the Fourth of July...
Whatever Dave is doing is sure interesting. Must be putting together baby toys.
Max is lucky... he'll be able to spend every birthday in the pool!
Abby learned the backflip, with Dave flipping her.
This beanbag game was the hit of the weekend. We had tournaments (I came in second... Dave's dad is a pro!).
And the kids LOVED the fireworks. I'd never taken them before, and Abby looked at me in the middle of them and said "I love this!", and on the way back to the car, Nolan said "Thank you Mommy. I love you." I'll take that!
More chillin' in the pool.
Nice, Dave. Nice.
How much did you drink?
And that's it! Max's first year flew by. I really can barely remember him as a baby. Some of me wants to just hold onto him and keep him little and my little boy. And the other part of me wants him bigger--out of diapers, able to travel and do things better. I have to keep reminding myself to just be happy exactly where he's at!