Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to Max!

Looking at these pics seems so strange. It really wasn't that long ago that it was actually Max's birthday (three months, cut me some slack!), but he can do so, so, so much more. So much more, in fact, that he's driving me bonkers! But, I'll write about that a different day, along with the pictures of his banged up head. For now, Happy Birthday, Max!

Of course, you can't have Max's birthday without Fourth of July. And here's the kiddos in their matching outfits.

I have no idea what Nolan was doing, but it was on the camera, so I thought I'd post it.

Dave looks a little overdressed for the pool, don't you think?

Max's first birthday represented the first trouble with the pool... he learned to climb the ladders!

Kids wore their do-rags all weekend.

Look at that cake! And Max had the little cupcake all by himself!

The other kids waiting to sing Happy Birthday to You!

Hmmm, Max isn't so sure about the cupcake.

But he got into it eventually!

Back to the Fourth of July...

Whatever Dave is doing is sure interesting. Must be putting together baby toys.

Max is lucky... he'll be able to spend every birthday in the pool!

Abby learned the backflip, with Dave flipping her.

This beanbag game was the hit of the weekend. We had tournaments (I came in second... Dave's dad is a pro!).

And the kids LOVED the fireworks. I'd never taken them before, and Abby looked at me in the middle of them and said "I love this!", and on the way back to the car, Nolan said "Thank you Mommy. I love you." I'll take that!

More chillin' in the pool.

Nice, Dave. Nice.

How much did you drink?

And that's it! Max's first year flew by. I really can barely remember him as a baby. Some of me wants to just hold onto him and keep him little and my little boy. And the other part of me wants him bigger--out of diapers, able to travel and do things better. I have to keep reminding myself to just be happy exactly where he's at!

Four things I love to hate

Two posts in one day. What's going on here? I just couldn't help but talk about these four things I love to hate...

1. Play-Doh. I don't like to play with it, and I really don't like to get it out. But Nolan really likes it and played with it the other day for over an hour. He made cakes and balls and lakes with animals. Max walked through it, got it all over his shoes and then decided to mow it with his toy lawn mower.

2. Max's nuk. Both Abby and Nolan got their nuks taken away at 12 months and 1 day. Max did, too. Mostly. I gave in and gave it to him at night and naps because it's like a magic potion. Give it to him and he goes from screaming to asleep. I promised myself that I would take it away soon. I still haven't, and it seems he has it more and more. Abby and Nolan both give it to him, and Max knows where they're all stored so just goes in front of his dresser and throws really good tantrums. When he gets it it's like a fix... I think he's addicted to that nuk!

3. Grasshopper catching. I really don't like grasshoppers. When they get on me, they stick and are yucky. But Nolan loves catching them, and makes me open the bowl. Inevitably one that's already in there will jump out and on me. Bleah. I don't know if that's better or worse than yesterday when the boys were worm hunting. Nolan would point them out and Max would stomp on them. They're very definitely boys!

4. Swarm soccer. Both Abby and Nolan are in soccer, and I'm not sure I can handle it. Dave and I weren't really soccer people and this level is just a bunch of kids swarming around the ball. They're actually pretty good at it. Abby's fast, so once she gets out in front with the ball, she scores quite a bit, and she can get in front of all the other kids and stop them. Nolan's not afraid to get in there either, or if he can't get in there, he'll just dance around the ball, which is pretty funny to watch. Below is Nolan pushing over two girls, and then Abby (#3) with the ball behind her. Not sure what she was doing!

It's also hard for me to watch the kids play. Most of the other parents have chairs they sit in, and I'm usually pacing the sideline. I just want them to do well! I can't even imagine what I'll be like when they get into "real" sports!

And finally, I just had to show this picture of my computer. Look closely in the upper left. See those footprints? Max has decided my computer is a great step stool to the table in the office, which gets him up on the desk. And this is the evidence! (Maybe it's time for a bath??)


I never really thought that I would be so thankful for Friday once I started staying at home. I mean, one day is just like another, right? Well, not this week! This week has been a little crazy with soccer games and practice, painting soccer lines (for five hours!) to fulfill my volunteer hours and church meetings along with regular living. All that, coupled with the fact that Dave was gone Monday morning through late Thursday night, and it makes me really happy that it's Friday. Tomorrow Abby has a birthday party to go to, but that's it this weekend. I'm very thankful that Dave likes getting up with the kids... that means I get to sleep in, relax, and just hang out. TGIF!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The last vestiges of summer

Before reading, I'll give you the warning that I'm tired and distracted while watching the Packer game. Don't expect too much here!

It's hard to believe that just last week we were wearing long pants and sweatshirts everywhere, doing things like this puzzle to stay out of the rain (we worked all weekend, didn't finish, and then put it away because we needed the table).

and now this weekend, it looks and feels like August again! But I'm not going to complain... we enjoyed a great weekend, in a great pool, with great company!

Jenny T, did you start the drinking early? Nice hat!

It sure is nice that with the kids a little bigger, they can camp out. They still like to have a grown up or two around, but they did really great sleeping.

This almost put us over the limit... Dave testing out his dad's accordian. Hmmm, I think Dave's a natural. And enjoying it a little bit too much.

Ahoy, Rocky. Is that beer #2? 12? 22? It's all good!

Can't go a day in the pool without taking a picture of Dave throwing Abby somehow. Not sure what they were doing here.

Yeah, Cody! He's a swimmer. Jenny and Rocky should definitely get a pool.

Well Maxie, where did you come from? Judging by the troll hair you have, I would say you just got sunscreen applied!

And Kyle looks very excited to be at the pool!

The boys played forever with some Batman toys from McDonald's. Jenny sacrificed herself and bought happy meals to eat for lunch last week so she could get them these toys.

Downtime is always a part of the pool, too. Is that Abby, or did she turn into SpongeBob?

Good night, Rocky!

The kids always like to cap off a day in the pool with time at the park.

Ahhh. It was nice to get to the pool one more time this year. Now it will get all ready for the winter until we're ready again next May? June? Either way, there's a lot of really cold months between now and then!

Here's a couple of leftover pics from last week. I took the boys to the zoo. When I left, I asked Dave to get my camera and he told me to be sure I took a lot of pics because we don't have enough of them at the zoo. Yeah, yeah, whatever. But these pics are more than about the zoo. This was the first trip I've taken the boys on while Abby was in school. It was very odd, and I wasn't sure how she'd feel about it. Luckily I don't think I'll have to find out. Nolan talked some about the zoo to Abby, but I don't think she realized he was talking about the zoo from that day. She probably never knows what he's talking about!

Well, I'm off to bed. There's over 5 minutes left of the Packer game, but I just don't think they'll come up with 18 points in that time.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

8 Years

A lifetime or the blink of an eye?


Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm lazy!

Every day this week, I keep thinking "I should write about that, or that, or this other thing." But every night this week, I look at the computer with dread and think nope, I just can't do it. I mean, I still have the "found" pictures from fourth of July and Max's birthday I haven't gone through or written about. And I really haven't even ordered or decided which pictures I want to order (I should really have some!). Maybe it's all those years of needing to work on my computer at night this time of year to keep up with catalog and pricing at work. Or maybe it's just the weather... now that it's dark out earlier, I can't keep my eyes open! Dave was gone this whole week, and whenever the kids went to bed, so did I! Or, took a bath and then bed. I don't think the TV has seen anything but SpongeBob for five whole days. Poor TV. Anyway, so this morning I thought maybe I'll try to do computer stuff while Max is sleeping and Nolan is resting (assuming I'm not taking a nap, too). I've been on a kick to try to get things organized around our house (files, basement, junk drawers), and while I made a dent, it's still not done. But it's better than before, so that may just go on hiatus while I catch up on computer stuff!

When you wait awhile to get pictures off your camera, you just never know what you're going to find! I forgot all about these of the kiddos. When mom was here she was kind enough to bring me two boxes of memorabilia stuff. What do you do with that? Turns out, you let your kids play with it, and then throw 90% of it away! Here's Abby and Nolan in my old practice jerseys from high school basketball. When I wore those jerseys nearly every day, this life that I have now was unfathomable. Three kids and a husband? Really? Well, here we are just 14 years later (just?) and I can barely remember wearing these practice jerseys every day.

Nolan looks like ape boy

And here they are holding up a plaque of some sort!

I'm not sure why I took pictures of the tomatoes, other than the fact that there were tons of them (thanks, Jen!) and they looked nice in my new bowl from mom for my birthday. (A bowl which, I should mention, I gave to her for her birthday a few years ago and have always liked!)

And those nice tomatoes, in contrast to these yucky bananas. Nolan and I made banana bread with these yesterday. After it baked and cooled and Nolan tried it, he asked why such yucky bananas make such good banana bread. Hmmm. Good question!

Max on a three wheel scooter! He can't quite ride it yet, but he can balance on it! Before you know it, he'll be all over the neighborhood. I was thinking the other day, Nolan was only six months older than Max now when we moved into our house. That's very difficult for me to wrap my head around for some reason. But all those time comparisons always are!

And then there's this... this picture represents COMPLETE parental breakdown. Every kid in the neighborhood got a new bike. And Nolan was still on his tiny little one. And I said no, no, no new bike until Christmas or his birthday. Abby's bike kept getting a flat tire, and we had a bigger one that one of our neighbors gave us, so I fixed the bigger (boy) one and tried to let Nolan ride that. Just a little too big. So then Abby could ride that one, and she still had her other one that just needed a new intertube on the tire. Her two to Nolan's one little one. And I felt bad for him because he couldn't keep up. And he didn't even ask for a new bike, he was so good about it. He just kept saying which one he was going to get for his birthday. I couldn't do it anymore... I broke down! And I got him this Hot Wheels bike. The same bike, I might add, that both Cody next door and Kyan across the street have. Thank goodness. I'm sure his sense of self worth just never would have been the same otherwise. (Go ahead, judge me now!!)

And that's the week! Tonight I'm excited to go out with Jenny from Mayville and Sunday is Kyle's first birthday (next door)! Have a great weekend!! (I gotta run... so I'm not going to reread this. I hope there's not too many mistakes or things that don't make sense!)