Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Sports of all sorts
Another post I started but didn't finish...
Volleyball, and basketball
Sports of every sort.
I can't help
But wonder why
My life's spent on a court.
Of course it's not enough
To watch and play along.
We can't help
But volunteer
For every coaching role.
The kids have fun
They learn a lot
But sometimes I wonder why.
It's ups and downs
It's skill with a ball
And we laugh and yell and cry.
Volleyball, and basketball
Sports of every sort.
I can't help
But wonder why
My life's spent on a court.
Of course it's not enough
To watch and play along.
We can't help
But volunteer
For every coaching role.
The kids have fun
They learn a lot
But sometimes I wonder why.
It's ups and downs
It's skill with a ball
And we laugh and yell and cry.
So many titles, so little time
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I think in blog. Mom may not believe me, but I write blog posts in my head. I just don't always open my computer and write them too! So, I've tried to figure out what to call this one. I have many titles...
- Of course there was mouse poop on the widowsill
- Breaking point
- I hate youth sports
- When life kicks your A&&, (and I can't figure out the end to this one, but I wish I knew. Making lemonade doesn't seem to quite cut it.)
So, after I posted about Amsterdam, things went downhill from there. I walked 14 miles that day, and loved every moment. And then... I learned that Nolan got a concussion.
I started this post in September. It never got published or finished. I don't think I'll write anymore. I couldn't explain it if I tried!
I started this post in September. It never got published or finished. I don't think I'll write anymore. I couldn't explain it if I tried!
Random life
Apparently this was taken during our last snow storm. You know. Like, May. 
The random things I found online that I liked and thought was funny...

Dave did our kitchen backsplash with wine corks. And he had to buy the winecorks.

Ava was "Sick"...

But she drew me a picture of my favorite drink... Diet Coke!

At the movies! We went on a random Wednesday night. Just because it was a fun thing to do.
Another of Ava's classics... she did this during church. It's a great story. but I'm not sure what she's saying about Mary...


We went to see Shen Yung. Chinese dancing. Fun day. Boring performance...

When I come home and see this... it must be warm enough to roller blade!

Mmmmm, pizza man! And my adventurous children trying escargot!

The random things I found online that I liked and thought was funny...
Dave did our kitchen backsplash with wine corks. And he had to buy the winecorks.
Ava was "Sick"...
But she drew me a picture of my favorite drink... Diet Coke!
At the movies! We went on a random Wednesday night. Just because it was a fun thing to do.
Another of Ava's classics... she did this during church. It's a great story. but I'm not sure what she's saying about Mary...
We went to see Shen Yung. Chinese dancing. Fun day. Boring performance...
When I come home and see this... it must be warm enough to roller blade!
Mmmmm, pizza man! And my adventurous children trying escargot!