Thursday, January 31, 2013

Music to my ears

Abby started band this year, playing clarinet (just like me!). I was a little worried about her first concert, but they did a really good job. I liked that they didn't try to do too much, just a few songs as a group and a few songs for each instrument. I realized after I got there that maybe I shouldn't have had her wear a dress to play the clarinet!
I have more videos where this came from... just let me know if you'd like some peaceful nighttime music!
 The kids loved her when she was done... I love this picture of the kids!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Oh daddy... Don't ever think you're not missed when you're not here!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Silly Buca!

Buca is certainly all puppy, and at times (pooping in the house, chewing up shoes!) he's a little exacerbating. But, we love him. Nothing beats Ava getting down with him, nose to nose, and saying, "I love you Buca! You're a good boy. No, no biting. Don't bite me. Good boy Buca." And, then there's Abby, who has cleaned up more poop in the last month, and taken him out in the bitter cold, than I ever would've given her credit for!

Jenny and Rocky's new dog Lexi. Buca and Lexi wanted to play, play, play!

Buca's favorite perch, up on the back of the couch, looking out and watching. So far not much barking!
 I don't think he'll fit here for long. He gained 10 pounds the first month!
 He follows me everywhere... definitely my dog! When I go to bed, so does he. When I'm in the shower, he waits right outside. When I get out of the shower... he does this.
Silly Buca!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Introducing... Abby!

Abby as you may remember her

Abby in her transformation

Abby's hair for locks of love (10"!)


Here's Abby with Susie, my hair girl. Abby was a little confused by the whole having to make an appointment for a hair cut thing. Apparently, I don't take her to the nice places for her hair!


This was at the car dealer when we sold my (sniff!) Fiat. All the kids got tired of waiting for their turn to play. Dave really wanted to win!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm delinquent. I know.

I'm trying, I really am. But one day turns into three, turns into a week or four, and then Max's picture is still up on the blog and I have no thougths of replacement. When Dave asked me if he could update it for me, I heard the message. I actually have a million posts to do, but just haven't gotten to them. I promise to! But snippets of our week look like this... Volleyball tournament Saturday and Sunday, Church class Monday, Dave fly out Tuesday, Vet Tuesday afternoon, Volleyball pictures Tuesday evening, Volleyball practice Tuesday night, kids off school on Wednesday, visit Milwaukee Public Museum during the day, Tae Kwon Do in the afternoon, haircuts at night, Dave comes home... But still not done! Thursday basketball, Friday pasta party for volleyball, tae kwon do for Max, Saturday volleyball tournament, Sunday baseball and volleyball practice.

I know I've posted my crazy schedule before... but it just doesn't get any less crazy! Then next week Dave gone all week, then the week afterwards, I'm gone for a week. And then February is almost over. Whew.

Of course there's school, and homework, and work, and swimming lessons and preschool and speech starting again soon and the dog to walk and take out and feed.

I try to take time to appreciate it all. It's because they're all healthy that we can do all of this, and because I have a wonderful support network. Some days that's easier than others!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tooth fairy visit #1 for child #3

It's been loose since before Christmas! Finally, tonight, it came out. Happy first tooth fairy visit, Max!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good bye. You've served me well.

It has 15,000 more miles, a few more scratches (I blame the scooter riders in our driveway!), and is a little more well-loved than when I purchased it just over a year ago. And today I'm saying good bye to it at the Fiat dealership where I bought it.

Whenever someone asked me if I liked my car, my response was always, "I love my baby car!" And I still love my baby car. On the way here Abby asked me if it were my choice if I would get rid of it (we're trading Dave's Avalon and the Fiat in to get a Chrysler 300) an we had a good conversation about how it's the right decision even though its not the decision I want to make.

The Fiat itself was nice, but it wasn't any bells and whistles that made me love it. I loved that it was mine. That when I was driving it, I was just me, and maybe me of 13 years ago. A little more carefree, a little less responsible. Don't get me wrong... I love my life today, my husband, my four kids, my dog. But sometimes? When I was driving my Fiat, it was nice to remember who I was before all of that too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Introducing... Buca!

Just over four years ago, we said goodbye to our Sadiegirl. It was certainly bittersweet. While we definitely loved her, our life was at a place where a dog was really hard. Max was just barely a year, Nolan not quite in school yet. Ava wasn't even a consideration. And, while we are certainly dog loving people, after we put Sadie down, I couldn't even fathom introducing a new poochie into our family. And other people who got dogs, I called them crazy.

Fast forward four years. Three kids in school and Abby and Nolan are (semi) responsible. Ava is three, so no babies or toddlers anymore. The kids have been dying for a dog and considering the influx we've had of unwanted four-legged critters, we decided to go for it. Dave took the kids to his parents house the day after Christmas, and I had to work. I had just a few meetings, so left a little early, just to "go check it out" at the humane society. And what I found was the cutest.puppy.ever. Half lab, half bulldog, and just all sorts of fun. At first I thought he was a she, because she was named Kelly (which I thought was Lily, but then realized I was wrong!). When they brought him out when I was taking him home and I called him a her, the worker said ummm, I think it's a boy. Whoops! That's taken a little getting used to. He's also from the south (apparently there are a ton of litters that come from the south?) and really doesn't like the cold and snow. At least when he does need to do his business, he's quick about it!

He came into work with me on Thursday, and was just loved by everyone, despite his chewing through an iPhone charger and peeing on the carpet! The kids came home Thursday, and they were so excited. We weren't sure what we were going to name him (Domino? Gunther?) and when Ava came in, she kept saying Awww, Buca! Here Buca! They were talking about that name as short for Sambuca, a black licorice liquor (of course!), and it stuck, so he's now Buca. Unfortunately, every one of the kids has now experienced the nippy razor sharp puppy teeth and Nolan has stepped in poop. He cried, I laughed. But they're getting better at saying, "No, Buca!" and pushing him down. And Abby and Nolan are getting good at pulling him off of Ava shen she runs through the living room and lays on the floor.

I don't have many updated pictures yet.I'll need to get some with him and the kids, but for now, here's the new baby!

He's allowed on one chair--this crazy spotted one. He just made himself right at home there, and kicks out whatever kid is sitting there.
 Think he's feeling comfy with us?
 Look at that face!

 With Peter, our adoption counselor.
 I could not let him stay in that cage.
We've had him one week now, and so far he hasn't wrecked anything by chewing, and we're not dying to send him back. I'll take that as a good sign that he'll be a part of our family for a long time!