I admit it, I do not use Facebook much. Even when I used it "a lot," it consisted of me checking randomly for updates, commenting once in a blue moon, and changing my status perhaps once a year. And now? Checking randomly means I might read the top two statuses that come up on my phone when I get two minutes to myself not consumed by kids or work (which means never). But, one day not that long ago I did read a few posts, and realized what I was missing! For anyone who wants to see more of my kids' field trips, you'll have to friend our Nanny, Alina Ellis (she said it was ok!). But I'm also going to put more stuff of what they do here from now on. We'll see how that works!
They have definitely been having a fun winter, as evidenced by all the winter books they've been reading.
They ate pie with mittens on, like the Three Little Kittens
Max did NOT want to get his mittens soiled
But Ava didn't mind so much.
They washed their mittens...
And Ava too!
And played "You Lost Your Mitten" (kind of like "Go Fish")
They went to the Riveredge Nature Center, where not only did Max get his picture taken with a bat, he also found racoon tracks.
And Ava found Max tracks!
In the Nature Center's library, they read "Stranger in the Woods."
And made Scat Mix! Yum!
At that time, there was very little snow, so they made...

A Snowman on the porch!
Some Stranger in the Woods art...
Animal tracks in the snow dough...
And snowman food!
They had tea, of course...
and cookies!
While dressed up as animals, they watched the birds at the birdfeeder at the nature center...
and then came home to make their very own birdfeeders. They froze that fruit into ice sculptures...
and made bagel feeders.
What a feast!
We didn't see a lot of birds come, but I think the kids still had fun.
When you feed the birds, they of course need bird houses, too!
After a week with the birds and animals, the kids made snow! (Although, I wish the snow was all pretend!)
Ava loved all the snow designs and was surprised each time.
Winter Wonderland!
Have you ever seen tortilla snowflakes? This was a first for me! Best tasting snowflakes ever!
Thank goodness for Alina. Max and Ava would NEVER get to play with shaving cream snow if it were left up to me!
And what good would snow be if you couldn't make ice cream snow??
LOVE this picture! At least someone has fun in the snow!
And that's what I learned on Facebook today! :) How much fun do my kids have?? I wish I could join them!