A week ago, we all had a great weekend. But the thing is, we didn't all have the same weekend! Here was my perfect weekend...
Abby and I hung out on Friday night, all by ourselves. We went shopping for our upcoming Halloween party, and then went home and watched the movie Benny and Joon (I saw that in the theater with my sister a million years ago!). Then on Saturday morning we got up early and headed to the train station, to take the train down to Chicago. There was a big surprise as we waited for the train in that my friend Nina and her daughter Gabriella were taking the train as well. I've known Nina for many years, as we used to be coworkers. Her daughter is Nolan's age, and
we've done many things with her. Abby sat with Gabriella and they played on the iPads and watched movies while I caught up with Nina. It made the ride go very quickly.
When we got to Chicago, we met up with my friend Nicole, who wanted to take Abby for the weekend. I was all about it! We headed to the hotel (Hard Rock Chicago) and then to brunch. From there, Abby and Nicole headed out, as did I. I just wandered. First down Michigan Avenue, then all around Water Tower Place. I ended up heading over to Lake Michigan and just hanging out, reading a book on my phone. Loved it! Then I walked back to the hotel, stopping at Fannie Mae's for carmels and then at Starbucks for some yummy coffee. It was perfect, and I got back just before Abby and Nicole. We sat and relaxed, and ate, and talked, and then started to get ready for the evening. We headed out to Navy Pier for some shopping and some dinner. We ate at Harry Carey's and then headed to the ferris wheel.
Abby and Nicole... Abby looks so grown up!
On the ferris wheel... it is a lot of fun, with great views!
Pretty girls with dimples! (Too bad I didn't take out the red eye...)
Reminds me of the fair.
Abby went on these swings. I nearly puked.
Loved the moon out over the skyline.
Thanks Nicole!!
Abby hanging out at the hotel. She got those new boots. From Payless. (Just because we're in Chicago doesn't necessarily make us shoppers!)
The next day, Nicole and Abby headed out again. I walked a million miles (okay, 3.5) to get my hair cut and colored. And then walked along the lake back to get a massage and a facial. And then back to the hotel, a ride back to the train station, and we were on our way. My friend Nina was again on our train, so we caught up some more and said our goodbyes at the Milwaukee station.
For me, it was the perfect amount of company and time by myself. The most perfect weekend!!