Ok, I forgot how much this baby thing kicks my butt. Don't get me wrong. I love it. I love her to bits and pieces. And at night she sleeps! I mean, really sleeps. 8:30-6 sleeps so I can't complain. But the daytime? I can't put her down. She naps if I'm holding her and then I set her in her bassinet, crib, floor, carseat, anywhere and BAM! Awake and wanting attention. I had so many plans for this weekend that I started. Nolan is moving down to the basement, and I got that room cleaned out and his clothes moved, but the stuff I took out? Sitting in the basement. And the rest of the basement. Oh my gosh don't even get me started on that! It's a MESS! And it's mostly the kids' fault and they should clean it, but I have grand plans of putting away some of the stuff. Baby stuff Max doesn't play with and Ava won't for awhile can get packed up, toys they don't play with in a pile for give away, on and on. I got about one container of playdoh picked up and the rest is wholly untouched. But, while I was going through Nolan's clothes, I realized I needed to see who needs winter coats, so I went through the winter coat closet, pulled out coats for Max and Ava (none of which will fit them this year) and put them in a bin, in the basement. I'm sure I'll find that when I need it. Ha! And Ava's room is literally overflowing with clothes. I got everything put away before she was born, but didn't do a good job sorting through the next size up. And it's just sad that I ALREADY NEED THE NEXT SIZE UP. I should go hold her before she's all grown up and I don't know where it went. Messy basement? Oh well.
On Friday Abby had her first swim meet. She was fairly slow, but good form. It was really quite neat to watch the whole thing. Some of the big kids are super fast! She swims against 7 and 8 year olds, and she doesn't really like the competition. Luckily, it's one of those things that you can just swim against yourself, against your own time. I'm hoping that eventually she becomes competitive because, well, you know, I like to win. :) Nolan and Max actually sat and watched the whole meet. I think they really liked the atmosphere too.
Another week upon us. How does that happen? Ava is seven weeks old already, kids have been in school for four weeks, it's nearly Halloween. Time, time, time. (Note to self: forget the basement, enjoy the life!)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A new nickname
When Abby was born, we called her the Bug. Rarely did we actually call her Abby. When Dave called home he'd ask "How's the Bug doing?" and it was sometimes hard not to call her that at daycare or other places. To this day, I call her Little Lady, which is short for Little Lady Bug. The boys never really had nicknames, other than Bud or Buddy. But now Ava? Well, I think she has a nickname that will stick. The other day she was crying a little and I said, "It's okay sweetie pie." And Max, the parrot that he is, said, "It's okay, Ava Pie." Ever since then, I've been calling her Ava Pie and I think it fits her!
Now, if you want to end this post on a nice, positive, non-disgusting note, stop reading now (Nicole, this means you!!). But, if you'd like to hear the adventures in potty training today, read on. Max has been doing really well lately, and I think it's been over two weeks since he had any accidents, and doesn't need pullups or diapers at night or naps, even. But the kids have been sick lately. Abby came home early from school Tuesday and Wednesday, and after a trip to the doctor Wednesday we found out she has a double ear infection. Max woke up last night screaming, so I took him to the doctor today, and he, too, has an ear infection. And for Max, the sickies make him a little out of sorts. He went down for a nap today, and I heard him wake up screaming. By the time I got up there, he was on the ladder of the bunk bed, and was peeing all over. He tried to get to the bathroom, but couldn't quite make it. So, instead of peeing in his bed (which is easy since there's a waterproof mattress pad on it), he peed all over the ladder, the floor, the frame of the bed, and into the pull-out drawer underneath the bed that has all the clean sheets in it. Now THAT was a mess!
But the sad thing? It's not the worst. (Nicole, seriously, stop reading now.) After I got that all cleaned up, we went to the doctor and came home and I was getting everything out of the car. Max had climbed into the front seat and as I went to get Ava out of the car, I smelled something. I thought she had pooped (which would be great... the girl goes five days without pooping, I'm drinking prune juice which is disgusting and it's not helping, but that's a poopy story for a different day!) but it wasn't Ava, it was Max. I asked if he pooped and sure enough. And it was runny. And the really bad thing? He had one foot on my seat and one on the console. And there were thank you cards and daycare paperwork inbetween that were just full of poop. I managed to get him out of the van, poop running down his legs, and into the kitchen sink and got him cleaned up. Then went to the van. Through the crack in the seat, down into the bin with the kids' extra clean clothes, the diapers, everything I had in that area of the van got hit. Bleah. And it smelled. Bad! I managed to get it all cleaned up, but I still remain skeptical. It's not easy making sure that I got all the nooks and crannies.
Fun times around here! (And Nicole, you can't say I didn't warn you this time!)
Now, if you want to end this post on a nice, positive, non-disgusting note, stop reading now (Nicole, this means you!!). But, if you'd like to hear the adventures in potty training today, read on. Max has been doing really well lately, and I think it's been over two weeks since he had any accidents, and doesn't need pullups or diapers at night or naps, even. But the kids have been sick lately. Abby came home early from school Tuesday and Wednesday, and after a trip to the doctor Wednesday we found out she has a double ear infection. Max woke up last night screaming, so I took him to the doctor today, and he, too, has an ear infection. And for Max, the sickies make him a little out of sorts. He went down for a nap today, and I heard him wake up screaming. By the time I got up there, he was on the ladder of the bunk bed, and was peeing all over. He tried to get to the bathroom, but couldn't quite make it. So, instead of peeing in his bed (which is easy since there's a waterproof mattress pad on it), he peed all over the ladder, the floor, the frame of the bed, and into the pull-out drawer underneath the bed that has all the clean sheets in it. Now THAT was a mess!
But the sad thing? It's not the worst. (Nicole, seriously, stop reading now.) After I got that all cleaned up, we went to the doctor and came home and I was getting everything out of the car. Max had climbed into the front seat and as I went to get Ava out of the car, I smelled something. I thought she had pooped (which would be great... the girl goes five days without pooping, I'm drinking prune juice which is disgusting and it's not helping, but that's a poopy story for a different day!) but it wasn't Ava, it was Max. I asked if he pooped and sure enough. And it was runny. And the really bad thing? He had one foot on my seat and one on the console. And there were thank you cards and daycare paperwork inbetween that were just full of poop. I managed to get him out of the van, poop running down his legs, and into the kitchen sink and got him cleaned up. Then went to the van. Through the crack in the seat, down into the bin with the kids' extra clean clothes, the diapers, everything I had in that area of the van got hit. Bleah. And it smelled. Bad! I managed to get it all cleaned up, but I still remain skeptical. It's not easy making sure that I got all the nooks and crannies.
Fun times around here! (And Nicole, you can't say I didn't warn you this time!)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
9 years
I had to put this in a different post from the previous one, so you get two in one day!
I couldn't let today go by without reflecting on the past nine years. Nine years ago I could never have looked into the future and have seen four beautiful children. Or have been nearly as thankful for the life that I live right now, today. Nine years ago was about the day, the dress, the dinner, the dance (the four D's??) and today is about the family and the future and the lives we've created and the lives we've touched and who have touched us. Nine years doesn't sound that long, but it's long enough to have some pretty low lows (at least, they felt that way when we were in them but in retrospect were more just choppy waters), and some very high highs (named Abby, Nolan, Max and Ava). And it's long enough for me to be glad I'm in it for the long haul.
Happy anniversary, Dave. I'm happy to have spent the last nine years with you, and am looking forward to whatever the future may bring.
I couldn't let today go by without reflecting on the past nine years. Nine years ago I could never have looked into the future and have seen four beautiful children. Or have been nearly as thankful for the life that I live right now, today. Nine years ago was about the day, the dress, the dinner, the dance (the four D's??) and today is about the family and the future and the lives we've created and the lives we've touched and who have touched us. Nine years doesn't sound that long, but it's long enough to have some pretty low lows (at least, they felt that way when we were in them but in retrospect were more just choppy waters), and some very high highs (named Abby, Nolan, Max and Ava). And it's long enough for me to be glad I'm in it for the long haul.
Happy anniversary, Dave. I'm happy to have spent the last nine years with you, and am looking forward to whatever the future may bring.
Sometimes the cheese stays on the floor
The other night, we ate something for dinner with shredded cheese. Dave was traveling, so we ate, and then after dinner, the kids did homework, we had baths, hung out, kids went to bed and Ava got up. It's the way it works, which is good because Ava doesn't need much attention when the kids are still up. And then I can sit with her after they go to bed. But that cheese on the floor? It stayed there. In fact, it was there when I got up in the morning. I've decided that the morning is my chore time... it's when I do laundry, when I clean the kitchen, load the dishwasher, pack lunches, etc., all between 6:30 and 8:30 when the kids go to school, and then I hang out outside with Max while the weather is still nice. Dave always does everything at night and gets mad when I wait until morning. Me? I can deal with the cheese on the floor!
Everyone asks me how it's going, and I immediately think about the picture in my head of the messy kitchen and that cheese on the floor. And I always say it's going well. But there's just some days, ya know? Those weeks when Dave's gone more than he's home, when there's more activities scheduled than fit in my calendar square, when all the kids are sick, that all add up sometimes. This week is one of those weeks! Abby's come home from school early both yesterday and today because she doesn't feel well. Nolan wakes up crabby and doesn't want to go to school and is sick too. And Max has a horrible cough and runny nose and screams and screams (right, dad??). It's one of those weeks, and it's only Wednesday! But it's still good. I can smile about the cheese on the floor and look forward to the weekend.
Everyone asks me how it's going, and I immediately think about the picture in my head of the messy kitchen and that cheese on the floor. And I always say it's going well. But there's just some days, ya know? Those weeks when Dave's gone more than he's home, when there's more activities scheduled than fit in my calendar square, when all the kids are sick, that all add up sometimes. This week is one of those weeks! Abby's come home from school early both yesterday and today because she doesn't feel well. Nolan wakes up crabby and doesn't want to go to school and is sick too. And Max has a horrible cough and runny nose and screams and screams (right, dad??). It's one of those weeks, and it's only Wednesday! But it's still good. I can smile about the cheese on the floor and look forward to the weekend.
Monday, September 14, 2009
You must've been a beautiful baby...
This past weekend was Ava's baptism. She looked beautiful in the handed down baptism gown from Dave's family, and did great. She never cried during church, when the water was poured on her head, or when the priest carried throughout church. I can't ask for anything better!

Of all pictures, I laughed at this one most. Do you see it? Check out Abby. Look closer! Behind Megan's head... she needs to learn to sit like a lady!

Gram and Grumpy with Ava

The fam. Unfortunately my sister's oldest son was sick, so her husband Mark stayed home with him. Bummer at picture time especially!

Sisters with Ava

Dave's side of the fam...

Are all of these mine??

Bright eyes.

Ava with Godparents John and Lisa.

Us with the youngest.

Sisterly love.

Just the girls (but check out Ava's expression!).

Aunt Jen and Ava

In the church...

That's it for the baptism. It was juts an all around nice day, with the baptism at 5:00 mass. It gave us all day on Saturday to hang out, and celebrate Saturday night. Sunday morning, Dave and his dad and bro-in-law went golfing and came back, shall we say, HAPPY? Apparently they declined the coffee and OJ and went right to the Heinekin at 7:30 in the morning. Crazy!!

Of all pictures, I laughed at this one most. Do you see it? Check out Abby. Look closer! Behind Megan's head... she needs to learn to sit like a lady!

Gram and Grumpy with Ava

The fam. Unfortunately my sister's oldest son was sick, so her husband Mark stayed home with him. Bummer at picture time especially!

Sisters with Ava

Dave's side of the fam...

Are all of these mine??

Bright eyes.

Ava with Godparents John and Lisa.

Us with the youngest.

Sisterly love.

Just the girls (but check out Ava's expression!).

Aunt Jen and Ava

In the church...

That's it for the baptism. It was juts an all around nice day, with the baptism at 5:00 mass. It gave us all day on Saturday to hang out, and celebrate Saturday night. Sunday morning, Dave and his dad and bro-in-law went golfing and came back, shall we say, HAPPY? Apparently they declined the coffee and OJ and went right to the Heinekin at 7:30 in the morning. Crazy!!
I got this outfit from someone Dave works with, and I love it! I think it's the cutest thing ever.
Monday, September 7, 2009
I forgot...
Two posts in as many minutes, but I have to tell this Max story... While we were on the boat, Max had to pee. So, Dave sat him down on the edge of the boat, Max took "it" out, and started to pee. Dave leaned over, said "Good job, Max!" and as he did, Max looked up and pointed "it" up at the same time. And as luck and Max's good aim would have hit, Max peed right in Dave's mouth. UGH, BLEAH, ICK! Dave thought so too, and threw up over the side of the boat.
I couldn't stop laughing.
I couldn't stop laughing.
Good Days
Many times, at the end of the three day weekend, I'm ready for it to be done. For Dave to go back to work, the kids to school and us just getting back in our regular schedule. But this weekend? I wish it could go on forever. It was the perfect combination of not doing anything and doing some things, and the weather? The weather was just perfect. Friday kicked it off, and I went shopping. Nothing major, but I got out and got some stuff done. Saturday we just hung out all day and Saturday night Dave and the kids slept in a tent in the backyard. Well, Max spent half the night in the tent and half in his bed. Ava and I were happily tucked in our own beds. Sunday was church, home to relax, and then we went to the boat. There were lots of people there so the water was choppy, but it was still fun. It was a little tough getting Nolan back on the raft after flying off of it last time, but he finally did. Then today (happy birthday to me!) we headed over to Port Washington. I suggested it because Dave had never been there and I thought he would really like it (he did!). They have a huge playground there that the kids played at for awhile, then we drove down to Lake Michigan. We headed out to the lighthouse there and watched the fishermen and other people for awhile before heading in, grabbing lunch, and then feeding the ducks. Then home, we played Wii Fit (my birthday present), ate dinner, relaxed and bed.
Doesn't sound too interesting or crazy, huh? But it was just right, making me wish I could hang onto it just a little bit longer!
Doesn't sound too interesting or crazy, huh? But it was just right, making me wish I could hang onto it just a little bit longer!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I can't believe she's a real kid
Remember when you were young, and 30 seemed SO OLD? And then you got older and, well, not only did it not seem old, but really, you'd be happy to be just 30? Well, that's the way I always looked at my kids. When I had Abby and other people would tell me how old their kids were, and they would say seven, or second grade, or grade school in general, I always thought they seemed old. I mean, you have old kids, you must be old! And up until this year I could always justify it. Even though I have four kids, Kindergarten and first grade aren't really "real" grades, so my kids are still little. But now? Well, Abby turned seven and started second grade, all within two days! And that, officially, makes me old. I mean, I remember second grade! I can screw her up now and she'll actually remember it! I'm in trouble.
Anyway, she had a great birthday. Friday night was a sleepover. I said she could have one girl sleep over, and Dave said four. So, we invited four and three could make it. I really can't remember when I was happier being married to Dave. I got everything ready, bought crafts and gift bags, and then got out of the way and let Dave do his thing. He led them in crafts, projected a movie outside, ran Wii tournaments, and stayed up with them until 2 in the morning. Me? I hid in the office and fed Ava, and then I went to bed at 10. I think I got a good deal. And I think Dave may have had more fun than the girls! In the morning, I thought they'd be up fairly early since they were all sleeping in the basement. Was I wrong! I had the parents picking them up at 9, and they didn't wake up until 8:45. They were tired!! After they all went home, we headed to the kids' last swimming lesson, went to lunch, then came home and crashed for a little bit. That was nice for us all!
We gave Abby inline skates... she was happy!

Abby and the girls ready to watch a movie outside. Unfortunately it rained halfway through so the movie was brought inside.

Abby and her best friend Reagan. Abby is the youngest in her class and Reagan in the oldest. They're both the oldest of four. But we'll see how it goes this year. For the first time they're in different classes.

Make a wish!

The frames they decorated. I took a picture of each with Abby as they came in.

The girls... Holly, Abby, Madelyn and Reagan.

While the girls were having a sleep over, Nolan and Kyan (across the street) were playing with Nintendo DSs. Well, when they weren't bugging the girls! Nolan slept over at Kyan's house. I think Nolan was more tired than Abby the day after and ended up taking a three hour nap.

The crafts at the party.

Anyway, she had a great birthday. Friday night was a sleepover. I said she could have one girl sleep over, and Dave said four. So, we invited four and three could make it. I really can't remember when I was happier being married to Dave. I got everything ready, bought crafts and gift bags, and then got out of the way and let Dave do his thing. He led them in crafts, projected a movie outside, ran Wii tournaments, and stayed up with them until 2 in the morning. Me? I hid in the office and fed Ava, and then I went to bed at 10. I think I got a good deal. And I think Dave may have had more fun than the girls! In the morning, I thought they'd be up fairly early since they were all sleeping in the basement. Was I wrong! I had the parents picking them up at 9, and they didn't wake up until 8:45. They were tired!! After they all went home, we headed to the kids' last swimming lesson, went to lunch, then came home and crashed for a little bit. That was nice for us all!
We gave Abby inline skates... she was happy!

Abby and the girls ready to watch a movie outside. Unfortunately it rained halfway through so the movie was brought inside.

Abby and her best friend Reagan. Abby is the youngest in her class and Reagan in the oldest. They're both the oldest of four. But we'll see how it goes this year. For the first time they're in different classes.

Make a wish!

The frames they decorated. I took a picture of each with Abby as they came in.

The girls... Holly, Abby, Madelyn and Reagan.

While the girls were having a sleep over, Nolan and Kyan (across the street) were playing with Nintendo DSs. Well, when they weren't bugging the girls! Nolan slept over at Kyan's house. I think Nolan was more tired than Abby the day after and ended up taking a three hour nap.

The crafts at the party.
When I asked to take Abby's picture, this is the pose I got. I wonder what that's all about?

And then there's the first day of school. Abby in second, Nolan in Kindergarten. They were both so excited on the first day. And Abby did great. But Nolan? Today was day three and he cried for all three days. And not just cried... he literally had to be pried from my leg. I'm hoping it gets better soon! When we dropped them off the first day and got back to the van, I just looked at Max and said, "What am I going to do with you?" Max looked at me, covered his mouth, and gave me the most evil laugh you've ever heard. Great!!

Other than that, here's just some random pics I haven't posted yet. All the kids together...
We went to the zoo earlier in the summer and Nolan asked about 50 questions about this eagle.
Here's a hyena that seemed to like Nolan.
This is the picture I took when I was in labor, deciding if I was in labor. Nice feet, huh? I figured they might as look pretty if I had to have them in stirrups!
And my dad had a birthday! Luckily we celebrated early since his real birthday was trumped a little bit by Avay's birth!
And now you know what I've beed doing the past week or so! Hopefully I'll "talk" to everyone soon!