- First random subject: Max learned to take pictures with my camera! Maybe I'm biased, but I do believe he's got talent. I mean, along with 32 other random blurry pictures, he got these too...
Not bad, huh? Do you like Nolan's sandals?
- Second random subject: After a few strange nights of Max not feeling well, he's doing better now. It was the strangest thing, he got up constantly both Wednesday and Thursday night from about 11:00 PM until 3:00 AM with a fever. On Thursday it went as high as 103 degrees. Then around 5:00 or 6:00, the fever broke, he slept until 8:00 or 9:00 (unheard of!) and then woke up just fine. Very strange! In fact, he was so good yesterday that he didn't take a nap! That's also unheard of. But, the boys played so well together that I could hardly complain. In fact, that leads me to...
- Random subject number three: Nolan and Max on Friday played everything under the sun, ranging from star wars to bartender (yes, they got the cocktail shaker out). When I wouldn't let Nolan take any other liquor out to play bartender, they decided to play... Girls! Yes, girls. They each got a purse and walked around with them. I asked Nolan what they were going to do, and he said he was going shopping. It was "her" son's birthday ("her" son was turning 6) and "she" had to buy a present. Of course! What else do girls do but shop? Here's a picture of the "girls" and their purses. The redeeming thing was that Max's purse, at least, was filled with plastic frogs and lizards!
- Random subject number four: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! Ok, it was yesterday, and I did remember to call, so the belatedness is ok here on the blog. She and my dad went to breakfast, which would be my pick too. I love going to breakfast and don't get to do it nearly enough. Luckily, Dave usually makes me breakfast on the weekend. It's not quite the same as going out to breakfast, but tastes as good (if not better!).
- Fifth random subject: On Wednesday I got a box. The kids and I were running out the door when I saw it so I didn't even get a chance to see what or who it was from. When we got back, I took a closer look and saw it was from a friend of ours we haven't seen for a long, long time, Laurie Greer (who's also Derek's, Dave's best friend from HS and old roomate's, sister). I was very surprised. Laurie and I used to see each other fairly often when we both lived in Illinois, but since she's had a child and we've had three and they moved to Atlanta, we haven't seen them since I was pregnant with Abby and I went to Atlanta on a business trip with Dave, and we've instead become more Christmas card friends. I opened the box and what I saw made me laugh out loud. It was several pounds of craisins! Laurie's husband, Victor, used to import ingredients for restaurants, craisins being one of them, and so they used to give me some all the time, which I loved! But since they moved and Victor started specializing in ethnic foods, I lost my craisin hook-up. Fortunately (for me, at least), their dog Jack needed to consume craisins for some kidney issues and they ordered more than the dog and their whole family can consume, so Nolan and I are downing many, many craisins. Yum! And the point of this whole story? There are those friends we have and count on for every day life. Those that know what's going on, who are there for you and who you would call in a heartbeat, and those friends make the world go around. But then there are the other people you know and think of only every now and again... maybe something happens that makes you think of them, or someone says something, or you see something they would like. I guarantee, if you email, call, or send them a note, they will appreciate it and it will make their day. I know Laurie's crazy box of craisins made my week!
- Random subject number six: Max actually sat down on his own this morning and read a book. Yes, I said Max sat down and read a book, and I got a picture to prove it.
- Random subject seven: Nolan finger weaving. Abby has spent a lot of time lately finger weaving, which is kind of neat and makes, basically, scarves. Nolan decided he wanted to try. After playing girls the other day, I found this funny. I'm not sure Dave did.
- Eighth random subject: The counter is Max's favorite place to sit. It's gotten to the point where as long as he's sitting and not standing, we're ok with it. As I took his picture, I also got this cheesy smile, which I think is funny. He's actually trying to figure out how to smile!
- Random subject number nine: I had a kidney ultrasound done on Wednesday because there's still lots of blood in my urine. They think it's kidney stones. No kidding. I guess this will tell if anything else is going on. I just wish there was something they could do about it.
- And last but not least, Random subject number ten: I thought I'd share Abby's Valentine letter to Dave and I, below.
Makes me happy I gave up my job so I can shop. Actually, I don't mind, and I find it funny. But I do wonder if they'll remember that I actually WORKED once upon a time. In fact, we got a new VP of Marketing at work (my boss), and she's including me in lots of stuff. In a way, I'm glad to feel included. But as I sat answering emails on Thursday, I realized how glad I am not to have to do that every night anymore. Once in a while? Ok. But every night? Not so much.
And that's it from here, lots and lots of randomness! Today we were inside all day because of all the snow. Yesterday the kids were riding their bikes, today, sleds. Hopefully it will go away quickly. I'm done with winter! And I done for the night... 9:30 is my bedtime. :) Hope everyone's having a great weekend!